Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia
So just like that … it’s 2019. Happy New Year! We rang in the night with great friends, a small dinner party, and a DJ to round out the night. But after the fanfare of it all, it was time to get down to business, at least for me. 2018 was a challenging year, and I’m happy to bid it adieu. And by happy, I mean friggin thrilled *clinks champagne glasses*!!
I love what a new year brings, a freshness and thrill that no other day of the year matches. Time to renew, redesign, revamp.

Goals Schmoals
I suck at making goals and resolutions. Not because I can’t stick to them (although I suck at that too). But because I hate thinking about my future. I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kinda gal and making goals is just the opposite of that. Besides, I can’t count how many times I have resolved to stop drinking or to exercise more. And come January 3rd, I’m online paying for another month at the gym while drinking a vodka and soda—nothing has changed.
I could pontificate about the reasons why I never achieve my goals, but why bore you with those details?
In my infinite wisdom last year, I decided NOT to make any goals for 2018. No goals, no disappointments, right? Well, not so much. It turns out, I hated not having goals even more—but not enough to make them. I felt aimless.
Goals? Oh hell yes!
No way I was going to make that mistake again. On December 29, I sat down and wrote down some goals. My two biggest objectives for 2019 focus on my career and my health.
Last year I felt my career was at a standstill. I was writing for International Living and IL Australia, but not often enough. This year I wanted to start fresh, learn some new skills and make some money. I need to add some more streams of income to my world. How else will I become the lady baller I long to be?
Biz Goals
This year I decided to start an online entrepreneur course called Location Rebel Academy. It’s all about creating a location independent lifestyle and business which is my exact goal for 2019. I’m super excited to get going on it and have already started the training. I’ll keep you posted as to my progress, but I suspect you’ll be reading about it as the year moves along.
Health Goals
As to my health goal—yup, you guessed it; to drink less and exercise more. I had to do it. But this time I have a plan. Three days of weight training, two days of cardio. And I plan to workout in the morning which means I won’t be able to drink the night before (or at least not copious amounts—I never said I wouldn’t drink, I just said drink less. Come on, people, I’m a realist).
At this point, you may be asking yourself, why is Kirsten telling me about her goals this year?
Well, for a couple of reasons: 1. To help me be accountable. No one likes the guy or girl who spouts off about doing something and then never does it. I don’t want to be that girl. And 2. because if I say it out loud enough times, the universe will listen, and I’ll take all the assistance I can get. Hear that universe???
So that’s me for 2019 goals! What about you? What are your goals this year? Any tips for achieving them? Reply in the comments.
P.S. It’s already Jan 12th, and I haven’t been great with my health goals. I’ve worked out some, drank a little, but I’m feeling positive about the changes I will make … next week, I promise!
Hi Kirsten,
You inspire me with taking a course. Thank you. So I am checking things out. It is really time for me to learn something new. I am exited now.
We grow with challenges. Keep growing everybody.
I agree “Mom” that talking about goals out loud helps to keep them present. I wish you and Kirsten and everybody else here a very productive and very Happy 2019
Susa! YAY! That is so exciting! I can’t wait to hear more about it! And yes, it’s so true, challenges (whether we choose them or not) make us grow. Let’s keep talking about our goals and make some stuff happen this year! Woot woot!
Hi Kirsten, it’s me your Mom. I love that you have set your goals for the New year. I should take a cue from you. Right now I have a lot on my plate as you know, so I’m taking things one day At a time. I do feel that talking about ones goals out loud helps to keep them present. I do hope that 2019 will be very productive for both of us!!
Mama! You should def make some goals or intentions for 2019. You have a lot happening but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your wants/goals/resolutions. Still take it one day at a time, but have longer-term action ideas for the future. I can help you if you want! ❤️
Hi Eric & Larisa,
Any timeline that propels me towards a goal is a good one! Looking forward to checking in on our progress when you guys get back to Penang.
Thanks. We are fighting our own demons now of laziness and sloth. Why am I talking to you instead of running? Oh well quick reply. Larisa is studying hard but misses cooking. Good luck to you and we will follow your blog. Aggh time to run.
Thanks Eric
Hope you had a good run, Eric. Larisa will be cooking Vietnamese soon!
Hi Kirsten, wow, similar goals but we are just continuing our 2018 onward goals. our time line is summer to summer. you might think of a timeline different than Jan to Jan. Weekly is good but seasonally is nice too. We will be coming back to Penang just not sure when.
Great post. Totally rooting for you.
We are doing Monday resolutions. I made one overall theme goal for the year and then every Monday I set a few small measurable goals for the week. Maybe they will be the same week to week? Who knows. So far so good. Week one. Exercise 4 times. Try to FaceTime one friend. Try. Read at least 3 chapters. (Something I have been sucking at) I read 12 but I needed the goal to help dive back in.
Holly! I love that you are making weekly goals! That’s brilliant and keep you accountable! Looking forward to FaceTime-ing soon!