Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia
I’ve been really struggling with whether to post or not. Does anyone want to read more about Covid-19, that f*cking bastard of a virus?
Do you want to read about travel? Prob not.
Honestly, it feels shitty either way.
But I’ve been keeping a journal since we went into lockdown, so here it is. It’s a bit of a mental roller coaster mixed with a lot of funny memes because we could all use some humor right now.
It is emotional. It’s raw. It’s not curated writing. I don’t usually swear this much in my blog, but these times really call for it. If you are easily offended, how about reading my Kota Kinabalu itinerary instead? Because this might get fucking ugly.
A lot of this was transcribed because I was recording into my phone as my feelings came to me. Some of this is jumbled. And I left it that way on purpose. It’s how I felt. All over the place.
If I were you, I’d grab a stiff drink and keep reading.
428 cases.
Today we heard that at 9 pm, the new Prime Minister of Malaysia would be having a press conference. Everyone would be home listening to it, and we can’t speak Bahasa, so it would be a perfect time for us to pop to the grocery store.
We assumed it would be the calm before the storm, and no one would be there – we’d get in and out.
HA! Not a chance. Apparently, no one cared what the PM was going to say because the place was packed. Not one frozen item left. Not one. The only pasta left was lasagna noodles and choo-choo trains, which of course, I bought. Can you say choo-choo train mac-n-cheese? I can.

People were hoarding fresh milk, more cartons of milk than could fit in two fridges! How the hell are they going to drink all that milk? Not even three generations in one home could slam enough milk to make buying that load reasonable. I’m going to assume they take milk baths – Cleopatra style – because it makes me feel better than the obvious. Which is that they are selfish pricks.
Maybe that is too harsh, and they are just scared. Or maybe not.
Last month, before the madness really took effect here, we decided to stop drinking vodka for all of March. We barely had any cases in Malaysia, and none in Penang, it still felt over there. Ignorant? Maybe. Naïve? Totally. What was I thinking? Vodka would be very comforting right now.
673 cases. First two deaths in Malaysia.
Thankfully, I had been picking up groceries over the last few weeks in case the panic buying started. I was freezing protein and buying cans of beans and tomatoes. Trying to be creative with things we had in the house.
Today as we woke up, we heard about the severe movement control order (MCO). Apparently, they don’t want to call it a lockdown, but they aren’t fooling anyone. Schools are closing. No traveling out for Malaysians. No traveling in for foreigners. No religious and social activities.
Only grocery stores, pharmacies, and essential services are allowed to stay open. We need to stay home and stop the spread. We are to stay home until March 31st.
Pay attention people; this is real.

It’s very distressing to find out about a Hindu festival that was held on a nearby beach last week. Supposedly 30,000 people attended.
60% of our cases in Malaysia are all from one religious event called the tabligh, which was held from Feb 28-March 1. 60%!
How could people even think about doing another event?
Why are these irresponsible people being allowed to congregate? I’m so angry. They say it was before they knew about social distancing, which may be the case, but they knew about the tabligh. They knew about how detrimental that one event was to the spread of this assclown of a virus.
How could they think it was ok to hold this event on this little island? And why did people go? Is religion more relevant than health?
In other news, I’ve worn more at athleisure-wear in the last two weeks than I have all of 2020. And I haven’t been to the gym. Ironic, isn’t it? However, I am doing a quick at-home booty work out. I’ve decided that my derrière looks like an 80-year-old man’s ass, and I can’t take it anymore.
Please don’t ask me how I know what 80-year-old-man-ass looks like, I just do.
Moving on.

790 cases.
The imposed MCO doesn’t feel like a big difference in my life, we work from home anyway. I don’t feel so isolated. I’m always behind my computer.
However, it’s officially only day one. I can imagine how hard this is going to be for Mark. He is normally out hiking a few times a week. It’s his church.
When I was being good, I would go to the gym a couple of times a week. We would eat out 3-4 nights a week because it’s cheaper and easier to go out than cook at home. But now all of that has changed.
Last night we made the decision not to go home on April 1st, which lifted a massive weight off of me. We bought tickets in early December before any of this felt real. Going home had been really stressing me out, it was keeping me up at night. When I did sleep, I had nightmares about how I killed my family by spreading this shithead of a virus to them.

I really wanted to be there for our families, but I was really stressed about the logistics.
How could we go home and stay with my mom? It’s not like we could quarantine somewhere else. We have no home in the US. What if we were symptom-free carriers and spread it to her without knowing. Gramma was already on lockdown, and we couldn’t see her.
After a couple of weeks in Chicago, we would have to fly to the east coast to stay with Mark’s dad. Another possible risk – we could have spread it to his family.

900 cases.
I can’t believe what I’m reading every morning. Is it fiction? Is this some F’ed up joke? More deaths and more people sick. The numbers here are growing exponentially.
I’m inundated. It is coming at me from Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp. American news, Malaysian news, Chinese news. It’s coming at me from all angles, and I’m getting overwhelmed. It’s really scary.
I am really good at hiding my head in the sand. Although that wasn’t why I named this blog Sand in My Curls. Now I realize the double entendre, how very appropriate.
Anyway, with all of this news coming at me, I’m trying not to go into panic mode. But it’s not easy.
Today I decided to turn my phone off during the day, so I wouldn’t be distracted. I needed to get work done and, more importantly, not focus on the horrors of our new reality. It worked; I got a lot done and will continue to do that. Even after this lockdown subsides.
Information Overload

Every day I get different updates. Today I learned that it can exist in the air, just floating around. If someone sneezes nearby, it floats in the air for a while and can get on me. The problem is, we don’t know the full extent of how this dickweed of a virus is spread. There is so much false info out there, it is hard to know what to believe. Whether it is true or not, it is scary.
The reports scare me enough to prevent me from eating take away.
Food stalls aren’t known for their cleanliness. It’s not like any of the food courts or stalls have hot water to wash dishes. Half the time, they wash dishes in a bucket on the side of the road. Most of the times it’s just soap and water…well, I assume there’s soap.
Amazingly I’ve never gotten sick from food here, and we’ve eaten all the stuff from blood in our soup to duck tongue – which I can tell you isn’t worth it.
Sorry, I’m rambling.
I can’t worry about helping everyone else, I have to put myself first, and it feels really selfish and uncomfortable. I don’t think I’m a selfish person, but right now, I am so scared that I feel like it’s ok to be selfish. I understand why they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before putting it on others on a plane.
It’s not selfishness, it’s survival.
1030 cases, 32 in Penang.
People aren’t taking the MCO seriously. Time to bring in the big guns. They are putting up roadblocks and bringing in the military to help control the situation. If you are out and about, you will be arrested and fined. I’m totally cool with that.
Malaysia, I applaud you for getting serious quickly before the whole country goes down in quicksand.
Maybe this will scare some people into following orders to #staythefuckhome. Even the front liners are trying to remind people to follow the rules.

The MCO now states no outdoor exercising. No hiking or beach walks. They say it really isn’t a “lockdown,” but if we can’t leave our home except to go to the grocery or pharmacy, what is it?
Today’s update: Malaysia is the 4th country in Asia behind China, Iran, and S. Korea with the most cases. That really scares me since we know how horribly those countries have been affected. Are we next? I hope that we aren’t going to be that severe, but I am fearful and not very hopeful.
Every night I go to sleep hoping to wake up to better news. It never comes.
Then I spend 2 hours reading up on the latest news. It’s overwhelming my days and stopping me from being productive. I need to keep my phone off.
Feel likes every morning I wake up on the precipice. Like I’m sitting on the edge of the world, and the slightest breeze, just a whisper of wind, could throw me off to my death. (Reading that back it seems really dramatic, but that’s how I felt on March 20th).
Let’s Lighten Up a Bit… Shall We?
People are starting to send funny memes and pictures. Trying to find a little lightness in the madness. We are all scared but doing our best to stay calm. Trying to find the good in the horrific.

FULL DISCLOSURE: This gets gross.
SPOILER ALERT: A lot of vitamin C gives me the shits.
We were told that taking at least five times the amount of vitamin C per day could ward off this douchebag of a virus. At first, I was worried about taking that much. I did a bit of research and found out that my body would expel whatever it didn’t need. I assumed that meant I would pee it out, just not through my butt.
Learned that the hard way. Thank goodness we have plenty of toilet paper (sorry friends in Australia and the US).

1183 cases, 50 in Penang. 8 deaths in Malaysia.
We are stocked up on all the basics for 10 days to two weeks. I even got vodka. Ya know, preparing for the future… or tomorrow.

Actually one of the reasons we bought vodka, despite our temporary ban, was to support our buddy. He runs a small restaurant and sells liquor as well. Without people eating out for every meal (as they usually do here), businesses like his are in danger of shuttering.
All the mom and pop shops, food stalls, and cafes are struggling to find a foothold. How will they live if they can’t work? We feel a sense of responsibility for the little shopkeepers, as well as to our cleaning lady.
Today we paid our cleaning lady for a week, even though she isn’t coming. She gets RM80 (US$19) for 4 hours and relies on us (and vice versa), so we wanted to help her out. Just like the noodle lady, and our fruit stand man, and our booze dude. We are part of this community and have made this little village our home.
Without all of our support, what happens to them?

1306 cases, 58 in Penang. First death in Penang.
I feel like I’m settling into the new normal.
Penang’s cases practically doubled overnight, and one person has died here. I hope that will stop people from being lackadaisical about this pisswizzard of virus.
Wet markets and grocery stores are lining people up a meter apart. They are letting one person enter as one exits. Taking everyone’s temperatures before they walk in.
Only one person from each family is allowed out of the house at a time. If we need groceries, only one person is allowed to go. Glad the rules are getting stricter.
I talked to a friend in S. Korea, she said our lockdown is more severe than hers. And I’m thankful for that. I wonder if it is so strict to combat all the assholes that refuse to comply. A lot of old biddies are gathering at the wet market food stalls and ignoring the shopkeeper when he shoos them away. We’ll see what the government comes up with now.
I’m afraid for Penang and think we are in for a massive jump in numbers because of all these religious events that people still went to as of last week.

1518 cases, 58 in Penang. 14 deaths in Malaysia.
Mark went out for the first time since Tuesday, and I was so worried. I made him wear a mask and lectured him like a child before he left. While he was there, I was a whirling dervish of nerves. This is why I shouldn’t be a mom, I’d be a neurotic mess.
I’m angry. How in late March are people not grasping the gravity of this? How can people fly into America and not be quarantined? Surely, they should be testing people at the airport before they let them loose to ride public transportation to get home.
At the very least, people need to be wearing masks over there, but they aren’t. If you are a carrier without symptoms, wearing a mask could save someone else’s life. Stop being a selfish fuckstick!
Still No Booze

It’s March 23rd, and we’ve had zero vodka. We’ve barely had any wine, maybe a glass a day. I can’t remember the last time we didn’t finish a bottle of wine in a night, or if I’m honest, in an hour. Now we have a bottle for 2-3 days. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Yes, I am proud of myself for not drinking hard liquor, especially because this would be the perfect excuse to drown my sorrows and quell my fears. But I haven’t really even felt like it up until now.
Apparently, I am pretty strong when I put my mind to something. I should remember that when I am freaking out about goal setting instead of trying to hide under the bed like a dog in a thunderstorm. Imagine the power I have over myself if I just used it correctly.
See what isolation and no booze does… I’m going deep, my friends. Or maybe crazy.
1624 cases, 68 in Penang.
I feel a lot like drinking. And like drinking a lot.

I’m finding myself getting really mad. People are denying their connections to the tabligh. They go in for treatment and don’t mention they have links to someone with this assclown of a virus. Now the doctors are getting sick.
A hospital in Kedah had to shut down for disinfection. A woman had a baby there and didn’t tell anyone that her father had it. She put all the medical staff in the hospital at risk and everyone else around her. If people get sick because of her, I say off with her head. Too extreme? Maybe. Maybe not.
People are being socially irresponsible. And I want all the disobeyers to be shut in on Survivor Island, never to be voted off. It’s only fair. Why should I get it because some cockwaffle can’t #staythefuckhome?
One Big Step for Womankind
Ok big step people… I left my safety bubble today.
I went to the little fresh store wearing a mask and trying to social distance the best I could. Not so easy inside a small store full of shoppers.
I needed fresh veggies and had to go inside the walk-in fridge. Normally that is fine, but someone walked in with me. At first, I didn’t think about it, three people inside a walk-in refrigerator, no biggie, right? But then I realized what I was doing and panicked. Cold temps, other people, close-quarters, three strikes. GET OUT NOW!
How do you not panic when you have to go outside? I prefer my bubble. It’s less complicated in there.

1796 cases, 68 in Penang.
I wonder if I’m going through the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
If so, I’m passed denial and stuck in anger.
I’m so mad and bewildered that the whole thing is being politicized. We all need to band together, not against one another. I’m ashamed to be human when I read about Asians being beaten up because of this muthafucker of a virus. Or that governments are still fighting each other when it’s the last thing the people need. We need a unified message, not more reasons to fight.
Oh yeah, we just found out they are adding 2 more weeks to lockdown. So, it will be a month in total – until they extend it again. I’m not surprised but feel like we need to assess our food situation. Maybe turn on the second fridge and start stocking up more.
I’ve never felt more like a doomsday prepper.

I wonder if I’m going to get numb from all of this. Maybe there are six stages of grief.
I feel like this whole thing is out of a sci-fi novel, oh wait it is. Dean R. Koontz wrote about it in 1981. Where is he these days? Has anyone seen an interview with him?
On a totally separate note, my house has not been this filthy in six years. I so wish I was one of those people who cleaned when nervous or stressed. I’ve begrudgingly mopped twice this week, but it doesn’t seem to be clean. How is that possible? Am I mopping incorrectly?
I’m not cut out for this. God, I miss my cleaning lady.

2161 cases, 80 in Penang.
Today I watched a video from a doctor in Michigan who went over how to grocery shop correctly without bringing home that dickweasel of a virus.
It feels like nothing is safe.
I thought my bubble was innocuous until I watched this. Now I worry that everything I have ever touched is riddled with that twat of a virus. And therefore, my home bubble has been infiltrated.
Remembering back to when I went to the little store. I was handed a basket, who knows when, if ever, that was cleaned. When was the last time you sterilized your car door, keys, steering wheel, and shopping bags? It’s a snowball effect of epic proportions.
When you think that EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH needs to be sterilized, that is a colossal task.
It’s a rabbit hole that I don’t want to go down. But I feel like there is no choice.

2320 cases, 86 in Penang. 53% are all attributed to the tabligh.
Today I dove headfirst into the rabbit hole. But friends, I didn’t stop at the hole. I went deep inside the warren.
I went back to the store today to stock up because I couldn’t get that much the other day. I didn’t go into the walk-in fridge today, so I’d consider my outing a success.
I followed the directions on the video I saw yesterday. I dropped the bags off outside the front gate of our condo and wiped down every.single.item before bringing them in.
So, there I sat, on the floor, wearing a mask, cleaning off my bag of mushrooms with an antibacterial spray. And my wine, all 9 bottles of it. We are finishing bottles these days. But still no vodka.

2470 cases, 87 in Penang. 35 deaths in Malaysia.
Dear vodka,
I miss you.
Your long lost pal,
Also, I’m vacillating between numbness and disbelief. This fucknugget of a virus is getting closer and closer to us. Until now, all the cases in Penang have been on the southern end of the island. But today, there is a confirmed case in Batu Ferringhi (20 minutes from me) and another in a condo 10 minutes away. A place where a lot of my friends live.
Up until today, I still felt like it was over there. But now it’s here, and I’m scared.
2626 cases, 88 in Penang.
Today I worked out in our bedroom while wearing a backpack full of canned beans. If you don’t adapt, you don’t grow, right. I can’t keep sitting on my ass while wishing for a nice one. I’ve been hoping for a six-pack for years, let me tell you, wishing doesn’t work.
So I strapped some canned tomatoes to my ankles and did some donkey kicks and wore a backpack full of canned beans while doing squats and lunges.
Here is my booty workout. What are you doing? I need help.

We start the second phase of lockdown on April 1st. Looks like 8 pm curfew will actually be enforced.
Not sure if I’m just getting used to this (acceptance phase), but I turned off my phone today and only turned it on a few times throughout the day. No social media. No news. And ya know what, I got a lot done.
Not as much as I would have liked because I spent 2 hours on with Chase trying to figure out our plane ticket refund. Which didn’t happen.
I feel like I’ve surrendered to this new normal. I’ve figured out how to live while in restraints.
But I feel decidedly more in control of my day and far less panicked… until something changes.

2766 cases, 94 in Penang. 43 deaths in Malaysia (still only one in Penang).
I’m accepting that our MCO (not lockdown) will continue for the next two weeks. I presume it will extend far beyond that and just pray for everyone I know and love to keep healthy.
At the moment, I’m pretty happy not to be in America, but I’m equally as scared for our families and our other home.
I’m also glad that I won’t have to write about this anymore. Checking stats and reading the news multiple times a day is detrimental to my health. I’d like to create some sort of normalcy, which means keeping my curls in the sand. Right where they should be.
I’ll toast to that realization with a big fat homemade martini.
Gotta run, my liquid lover is waiting.
PS: Tell me in the comments how you are handling the lockdown?

PPS: #staythefuckhome
Hi dear Kirsten,
What a great chuckle I had and you nailed every day !!! You could be talking about my life.
Im so not enjoying Murrae any longer – she’s become tedious and very boring and is no fun at all and to think I have to put up with her for a whole 9 days still. Im going nuts.
Im so wanting to go to my beautiful home in Portugal and not knowing what will happen.
My poor little town is going to be in shreads after this – so many people losing their jobs and all the teeny businesses probably will never recover. No words …..
But adored reading this and your humour. Well done.
Hugs xxx
Hello Sweet Murrae!
Thank you for reading and commenting! You are hilarious!
There is so much uncertainty and since you are so far from Portugal and your man, it is even harder.
I’m glad I could provide you with a chuckle!
All we can do with wait and learn how to like entertain ourselves in this new normal!
I have to raise a glass of Vodka after reading your latest blog! This one has to be the funniest and most exquisitely written to date. Please keep them coming even during this time of trial. If only governors in some of the United States (read Red) would pull their heads out of their behinds, and strictly enforce “stay in place”, many lives could be saved! Both you and Mark stay well and buy more wine; 9 bottles won’t do it!
You are so right, Uncie, 9 bottles disappear pretty quickly. Add thank you for the sweet words, you really do love me!
Please stay well and away from the asshats that refuse to stay in place.
Love you,
I loved your blog, and I am glad you posted it. I loved seeing each blog, and the new naughty name you came up with for the virus!🤣. Where I live, the cases are growing, and some people in the community are acting like it’s summer vacation here! I work in Public Health, I see the internal data, it is not pretty. I try not to be an alarmist, but right now I have to be. My terminally ill father who did a Stint in the ICU mid March just came home and was placed in home hospice, they need our daily help. We have to go shopping, pick up prescriptions, and help them with every aspect of daily life, I go to the store to buy food supplies wearing my N95 mask, Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer in hand… and there are families of 5 with their kids shopping. WTF, this is not the way it’s suppose to be! Finally the stores here are allowing so many people in at a time, so the isles are fairly empty,
California has a Shelter in Place order, but the local communities (at least where I live) have been slow to really enforce it. They JUST closed the public parks and had to take down the basketball hoops to keep kids from playing group basketball. Why the “F” are the parents letting their kids go play basketball and not keeping them at home?? Oh gee, let’s let our kids blow off some steam by letting them play group basketball? A group of 10 teens, all touch the ball with their sweaty hands and pass it around! This was the park right across the street from my house, grrr. I am like you, I am getting pissed about how ignorant people are about this! We are all sacrificing, it’s not easy, it’s worrisome…we all need to do what we gotta do to get past this! (Thankfully my wine closet is full, just been to drained to even enjoy a glass). You and Mark stay safe!!! Keep on blogging💗
Oh, Linda! I just left you a Whatsapp message. I am so sorry about your dad. Thank goodness you are there and able to help. I worry about someone we love getting this and us not being there.
It’s so maddening! I can’t understand why the US is not cracking down on this. EVERYONE should be in lockdown. No questions asked. Arrests should be made. Bring out the military if need be.
No matter what, just keep taking care of yourself and doing all the right things!
I absolutely love this post Kirsten! This really is such an insane time for us all hey, and I think we’re all swinging from ‘it’s all cool, we’ll get through this’ to having total melt-downs. I’m on day 13 of quarantine and have never felt more like a caged animal. I’m all for ‘lockdown’ but I just need to get out into the real world for the first time in 5 weeks (3 of them at sea) and see for myself what the hell is going on out there – it’s a surreal feeling.
Get that vodka back out and keep bringing us your awesome writing – we need it! xx
Hi Wendy,
Thank you! I wasn’t sure I should hit publish, but I’m glad I did. I am sure you are feeling caged in, how could you not? But please don’t go out into the real world without a mask!
I have a feeling the real world is how you are picturing it; empty of people and toilet paper.😉
Stay well!
The lockdown here in Penang initially brought me memories of March 2011 in Tokyo: the earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima meltdown. Also then hoarding, staying and working from home, listening to news the whole day, and fear for the unknown (and un-seeable). However, we were then still allowed to go for evening strolls, which isn’t the case now. But after two weeks is it really getting boring. I don’t workout, do follow news and statistics. The good thing is that I managed to do a software project, which required full attention and thus took my mind away from the daily reality.
Hopefully the MCO rules will get somewhat relaxed after April 14th. I don’t think all rules will be removed, but hope that some can be removed and/or relaxed.
Hi Jeroen,
Thank you for sharing!
It is so hard to stay positive when we can’t even go for a walk! I can’t believe you aren’t working out in some way, whether it is running the stairs, or doing pushups in your condo, it’s such a big part of who you are. Since we are in this for the long haul, I hope you find a way to cope. Turning off the news/statistics was major for me.
Keep well!
Doing a good workout is indeed important to me. But without the proper tools I can’t do a good workout. I consider running the stairs, doing pushups etc. not a good replacement. Which is why I decided to give it a rest until the gym reopens.
I hear ya and maybe the best thing for you to do is pause your workout and get back into later. You will figure out the best routine for you and it might evolve as time goes on.
Hi Kirsten
Thanks for this, made my day!
The restrictions in Sydney are not quite as severe as in Penang yet. While all non-essential places and businesses are closed and travel outside the home is restricted to approved purposes, you can still go outide eg. to exercise so long as social distancing is practised. However all outside activities involving more than 2 persons (from different households) are banned.
When the measures were first introduced, there were instances when some of the public did not take it seriously (eg Bondi Beach before it was closed in late March). The message has got through and the vast majority are now complying.
Its no different around the world in that there are always certain groups that chose to defy the common good for their own reasons, be it stupidity, religious fanaticism (Shites in Qom, Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem, some evangelicals in Florida etc), a belief that they are bullet-proof or just plain orneriness.
Aside from being a medical disaster, the necessary measures to contain and control CV-19 bring with it equally disastrous economic consequences for all societies/nations. The saddest thing is that the poorest in society as always will bear the brunt of it.
The Australian PM is priming the public to expect that restrictions of some form will be in place for 6 months.
But it will end, so stay safe and sane and keep writing!
BG Lim
Hi BG!
Love that I could make your day, especially now! Comments like that make me want to keep writing! Thank you!
I agree. There are some people and groups of people that just don’t take it seriously. I think there was a lot of back and forth with the proper ways to handle this, so many governments, especially the US, were and still are wishy-washy in their message.
We need to globally understand that this will have economic consequences but healthcare should be the primary concern. The US is giving out a monetary stipend, freezing rents and I am sure more will ensue but we are all pretty messed up from this.
But none of that matters if we don’t have our health. So be well, stay inside, and take care of you!
Hi Kirsten, I had quite a few laughs reading your blog. However I also do have fears like you. I am the ‘head of the household’ contrary to local belief. I have put the fear of God into Phil who is considered high risk. I have convince him that being locked up at home is better that being locked up in Penang General Hospital!! He saw the light and is happy for me to do the shopping.
Caz has started her online aerobics class via zoom and it is great. I have become a dedicated follower. I am watching free streaming from the Bolshoi Ballet and the Garnier Opera House in Paris. Today I found out that there is free streaming of Andrew Lloyd Webbers musicals. I hope to be very fit and very cultured by the time this lockdown is over!! I feel as safe here, if not safer as i would in Melbourne, Winter is approaching in Aus so the hot weather in Penang is a blessing. Keep safe and keep sane!! xx
Hi Dawn,
We’ve always known you are the big boss of that home! And you are right. No trip to the grocery store is with Phil getting ill. You’ve had enough of that!
I love that you will be even more fit and cultured after the MCO is over, whenever that might be. It is such a great way to look at your time in captivity!
I feel safer here than I would in the US and think Penang is doing a good job of keep this at bay as best as possible.
Will zoom with you soon!
Hi Kirsten. That was honest, funny & probably ly what most of us really are feeling. For me I. Australia, after 2 weeks of quarantine since flying back, it just feels totally surreal & sometimes Apocalyptic. We aren’t under such tight restrictions here but it is goi g to come to that because so many idiots out there are just too complacent. At our age I guess we could be classed as high risk but honestly, i am more worried about all the young families trying to deal with dad working g from home, kids at home, bored because nowhere to really go, plus the financial.pressures of their jobs drying up. How the world economy will survive this is beyond belief. Still… much to be thankful for & maybe we will all come through this with a better appreciation for how wonderful the simple pleasures of life are & how important family & friends are. Stay safe both of you xx
Hi Anne!
It totally feels apocalyptic at times. A few times, especially at the beginning with all the panic buying, I felt like we were living in a scene from the Walking Dead. Waiting for the zombies to come to my home for pasta and toilet paper.
The world economy will survive and slowly rebuild as it does every time something this drastic happens globally. It is very scary but I just try not to go there too much. We are all in this together and we are healthy.
I hope you are correct that we will build a better appreciation for the most important things in life. We certainly need to learn from this in some way.
Virtual hugs to you both!
Hi Kirsten!
Absolutely spot on – I am going through the same phases and roller coaster. I have now restricted myself to news only once a day, at least 2 calls to friends and family per day, have signed up to pub quizzes, concerts and plays to take my mind off things. Work is still keeping me busy so the routine is there and it helps keep a sense of normalcy. Not finding time yet for daily work out but I have started a dance-like-you-mean-it slot at the end of the day. Keeps me smiling.My nails are growing as I am no longer biting them 🙂
Shopping has never been so stressful! and the disinfecting of every.single.item and surfaces as soon as I come back. No way I’m doing this more than once a week!! I have found a way to get booze delivered as well as fresh produce (and still go through the frentic cleaning as they are delivered)
This is such an weird and scary situation and my hope is that people keep their acts together and stay the fuck home so life can get back to normal!
We will get through this.
Stay well and positive
Hi Sophie,
I love all of the things you are doing to structure your day! Tell me more about the concerts, such a great idea! Well done on the dancing and nail growth! It’s the little things, right?!
I know what you mean about the shopping! So stressful. I can make a list but half of it isn’t there so then I need to get creative and find other things which just take more time in the store. It’s no longer a get in and get out kind of thing.
Until you can get out, keep dancing! It always makes me smile. I usually dance when I’m doing the dishes, which never makes me smile. So it’s a win win!
Be well!
Hi Kirsten. Great blog as usual but on a totally unique situation for everyone around the world. It’s very surreal and we’re all hoping that it’s something we don’t have to deal with again! Feel same as everyone else and wish people would just bloody adhere to straightforward instructions like STAY AT HOME!! Probably half if the people leaving home for whatever reason, never did so in the past 3 months, but have decided since the MCO was instigated, they all prefer to be outdoors!! This also goes out to our homegrown idiots in England who because at the moment are having our two days of Summer in early April, they decide to have the traditional BBQ and take to the beaches and parks like the virus won’t get them in the “nice” weather!!.
We have turned one of the spare bedrooms into an exercise room with yoga mat, small wooden stool acting as a stepper, bottles filled with water as different weights and my biggest excitement is that I have ordered on Lazada (the saviour of lockdown oooh sorry MCO) a hula hoop which is weighted. We’re also glad that we live on the 18th floor and we use the stairs instead of the lift which incidentally is getting easier to get back up instead of needing a defibrillator when you get back to the unit. Trying to stay positive and do feel for everyone affected but the virus just needs to “go and do one now”
PS Something needs to be done about wet markets starting up again in China with rare and endangered animals being sold for human consumption! Was this originally the source of COVID-19 – who knows?
Hi Karen!
You are so right! All these “homegrown idiots” are causing the perpetuation of this damned virus. We have plenty in the US doing the same. It is utterly maddening! I love that you made a home gym, water bottles def work better than cans of beans so I’m going to try that!
I might have to start the stairs but ours are hot and stinky from the garbage! But its something. You are going to be in even better, tip-top shape after this!
Stay well and thank you for reading!
Kirsten I just loved everything about your journey through captivity. I laughed and laughed. You are the best at everything you do and I truly miss you and your family. Please stay healthy and tell your beautiful Mom we love and miss her. We are in the same situation here. It fucking sucks but all alive, well and grateful. Love to hear more. I think I am ready to start and drink now! Love you!!!!
Hi Mary!
You are so sweet! Thank you!
I’m so glad it made you laugh! I didn’t want it to be too heavy, we have enough of a load already. I’m glad you are locked down, it’s the best way to stay healthy!
This does fucking suck, but gratitude is major these days! And I’m happy we are all healthy and loved!
Hugs to your family! And your lil newbie-cutie!
Stay well. Love you
Thanks for your stream of consciousness; we know we are all going through a similar thing. My madness was watching seven operas in seven days, six of them Wagner! Right now I should be getting ready to cruise from Sydney to LA, my cousin in DC warned, “don’t come,” more than a month ago, and people in Syros are asking me when I’m coming back. (At present there are no virus cases on Syros, but I imagine barriers at the airport if I tried to go back.) So I keep on watching opera and even trivial productions from UK National Theatre. Maybe vodka would be a better idea?
Hi Edna,
Thank you for reading! I think 7 Wagner operas could make me go made. I like an opera, the first one I ever saw was The Ring by Wanger and it was the longest damned thing ever!
I hope Syros stays virus-free. That would be amazing. But I think traveling would scare me right now, there are just too many what-ifs.
Glad you are here, even if we can’t see you in person!
Stay well,
Thank you for your sweary and funny journal of captivity. We’re just a few days behind you here in Thailand. We have a 10pm-4am curfew, everything is closed except groceries, essentials, banks and government offices. Many restaurants are doing delivery only – have you tried that there? I’m watching A LOT of youtube, TV and movies, a few hours a day finishing my condo renovation. My trip to Barcelona went up in smoke – flights cancelled and fighting with AirBnB for a refund now. We’ll get through it, I just wonder how many more people are going to get sick and die, and not just the totally fucking shitfunnels that haven’t been acting properly. Peace and health to you and Mark.
Thank you, Michael! I’m glad Thailand is in lockdown, It should be–it’s the only way to keep this shitfunnel 😉 of a virus at bay.
Stay well, my friend!