Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia
We’ve been home for about a month now, although it feels like it’s been much longer. And not in the dreadful sense of something that feels like it’s been forever because of how draining it has been.
I have to say that coming back to the US and slipping back into my “old” life has been unexpectedly easy.
Everyone I know who has moved back to their home countries after an expat stint has told me how hard it is. How they feel completely out of sorts. That starting over in your own country is much more complicated than starting over in a totally unfamiliar one. And I genuinely believe them.
Knowing that, I was totally prepared to feel shattered and lost. Depressed and confused.
But truthfully, I haven’t felt any of that.
I really feel like I’ve just slipped on an old pair of shoes and slid back into life in the US. Maybe part of that ease is because I know it’s temporary. Perhaps because it’s only been 6-weeks. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because this is precisely where I need to be right now.
Maybe it would be different if we had to find a home and jobs and start over again.
Being back here has really been the antidote I needed. There are some things I love about the US and some things, not so much. And you, my friends, get to read all my raves and rants.

Life is pretty easy here. Everything seems convenient, and one-stop-shops make errands a breeze.
Grocery stores that have everything we need and more make shopping a pleasure instead of a chore. No, we don’t have an aisle of soy sauces, but we do have an aisle of salad dressings, and that makes me much happier than soy sauce ever has.
There is so much at our fingertips. The ease of getting everything quickly is almost addictive. Being here actually makes me want to shop.
In fact, living in the US makes me want to spend money. It’s a total mind-f#$k because nothing is affordable. Really. Nothing. But I’ll get to that in a minute.
I never realized how the American way of life is so efficient until living in Malaysia.
For example, we got in on Monday night. Then, Tuesday, we hit the ground running. We went to a suburban DMV to renew our expired driver’s licenses and were completely surprised at how quickly we were sorted.
In less than 45 minutes, we were in and out with temporary licenses in hand. In 10 days, we had our new licenses. All done.
It was amazing.
We also got the internet and phones sorted, a new computer (mine crashed), and our soon-to-be expired passports handled within a few hours.
Even though the US government said it would be about 12 weeks to get our new passports, it took less than six. The last agency we expected to be efficient was the US government. I mean, it couldn’t run a Nevada whorehouse with an existing clientele and ladies waiting in lingerie. But our passports? Done and done.
In Penang, it would be impossible to get all of that done. Or even half of that done. Sometimes, it takes half a day to get our groceries.
But here, things were just snapping into place.
Not only is customer service alive and well here, but it’s also extraordinary.
Of course, we pay for it at every restaurant and bar in the way of tips.
However, it’s refreshing to know that if I asked for a martini with 3.75 ounces of vodka, 2.3 drops of vermouth, ¼ of an ice cube made by trolls in Iceland, I could get it.
And if I didn’t like it, I could send it back and get something else.

In August of 2020, I wrote 8 Things I Hate About America (as an American). Funnily enough, I’m adding to that list even though I couldn’t be happier to be home. So here goes…
I recognize that I’ve been Penang-ed—a term Mark and I coined when we first came back to the US and almost had apoplexy at how expensive everything was. Since everything is so affordable in Malaysia, it’s hard not to compare. We are surprisingly cheap now, and the US isn’t an easy place to be cheap!
From US$7 per hour for parking to US$16 cocktails, it seems like everything is outrageous. And when we convert it to ringgit, it’s painful.
Thankfully we’ve been cooking a lot, but it’s hard to go out for a meal and spend less than US$20 per person, and that’s without drinks. So yesterday we went and bought stuff to make a salad, it cost us US$30! We could buy a week’s worth of groceries in Penang for that kind of money.
Mark called me horrified when he popped into our local taco joint and spent US$20 for a friggin burrito! And it’s not one of those big-as-your-head burritos that could feed a Malaysian family of four. Just a regular ol burrito with a side of greasy chips.
I could go on and on with examples of what feels like a severe yet constant case of highway robbery, but it’ll just make me nauseous.
So in that way, it’s been hard to adjust.
I know this is super inconsequential, but it’s really noticeable after being away for so long.
There are two types of commercials here:
1. Get the vaccine, you a**hole
2. Take these meds and hope you don’t bleed out
Let me explain…
The vaccine commercials are full-on peer pressure and guilt about getting vaccinated.
A sob story from the doctors who are begging you to get it. Guilting you into it and making you feel like a horrible person for not getting it. We all know how politicized the vaccine has become, and to see guilt-ridden commercials every 12 minutes about the unvaccinated is really trying.
I’m pro-choice for everyone and everything. My version of being pro-choice means we all get to choose what we do to and with our own bodies.
I’m cool with the vaccinated. I’m cool with the unvaccinated. You do you and leave everyone else alone. And FFS, stop the coercion commercials about it.
The second kind of commercial is about medicine and its possible side effects. So, it might stop your heartburn but leave you with anal leakage (no joke). Or it might prevent your hair from falling out but could also cause a lifetime of diarrhea. Oh, the decisions.
And my personal fave is the pill that’ll stop your depression and anxiety, but in severe cases has been known to cause severe depression. I’m being serious. There really is a pill for depression that could cause depression. WTF.
I know they have to mention the side effects, so if someone’s butt starts leaking, they’ve covered their own against lawsuits. I get it. But couldn’t they save that for the fine print, or better yet, for their doctor? Just sayin.
I’ve never wanted to see a BudLight commercial more than I do these days. Something frivolous and tastes like dirty water is far better than what we are getting to see now.

Next week Mark is driving to Connecticut to see his side of the family. I’ll fly out to meet him in early November. I’m absolutely not ready to leave my mom yet and don’t know when or if I will be. So, I’m just taking it one day at a time and enjoying my momma time now. We have a lot of decisions ahead of us, and rushing them won’t do us any good, so I’m doing my best to go with the flow. Although feeling untethered is not easy for us, in some ways, it excites me. And for now, it’s about all I can handle.
Until next time,

Most of what you wrote is very valid! While it may be easy getting resettled and having relatives around helps a lot, I think living overseas offers gives one a broader perspective on your outlook on life! Enjoyed your article.
Hi Ravina, Thank you!
We love living abroad. And we love coming back to our home country for a visit. We don’t want to live here, just visiting and surrounding ourselves with all the family love we can is everything right now!
I ended up stuck at “home” this year, “home” where I hadn’t lived since leaving at 18, “home” where I usually spend holidays without worrying much about daily life. Like you, I was surprised to see how easy it was to just slip back into… well, a former life. It turned out to be a great experience, I hope it will be the same for you guys!
Hi Zhu, I’m loving every minute of it! Stay safe!
I always love to hear what you have to say. Most I agree with about the US, and frankly can’t wait to move to the Philippines, when ever they open up again!
Keep writing and never stop, I love it.
Awww, thank you Larry. That made my day! Keep me posted when you make it to the Phils. I’d love to interview you for the site!
We (the US) do have a pretty amazing efficient society. We pay for it certainly and the non-stop consumerism is dangerous side-effect. When a simple lunch out for two (SF Bay Area) costs $50 for $5-7 worth of ingredients. I gag. Actually I only eat out what I cannot cook. Thanks to YouTube and the pandemic, I’m getting better and better at cooking
We skip the commercials as we cut the cable. So the streaming only media consumption (and premium commercial free subscriptions) sheilds us from the worst of mainstream advertising – oh and political ads… So if I want to view cable-only sports, I go out. Everything else I can steam and binge watch.
Enjoy your time back home especially with your Mom. That is what is really important. Then when you feet get itchy again, let us know where the wind will blow you and Mark.
Hi William,
One of these days we’ll be eating risotto and drinking delish wine on our double date! Thankfully, you know how to cook that so we won’t need to take out a mortgage for it!🤣
We only have NetFlix back in Penang so we are commercial-free there. I’m sooooo thankful we won’t be here for the political madness because I might implode watching those ads too (but there’s a pill for that too 😉).
I’m enjoying family time and filling up that little pocket in my heart so I’ll be able to take them all with me in my own way. My feet are always itchy and we have some very loose plans up our sleeves (or in our suitcases). We will def keep you posted.
Until then, big hugs to you and L!
What a wonderful and funnily (is that a real word?) written view of being back “home”, from a different “planet”. You have distilled the essence of living here that we “inpats” take for granted. It has truly been wonderful having you back here if only for a little while. Going out for extravagant (to you) but routine for us, dinners and an epic BBQ with crazy dog Linus and “Chef Mark” has been lovely. I will be sad when you and Mark finally head back to your digs in Penang, but the upside is more wonderful, funny, insightful blogs. Hopefully, still your favorite “Uncie”…
Hi ABSOLUTELY fave Uncie! It really has been lovely and I’m soaking in every damn minute of it. It all used to be routine for us too so it’s crazy how it’s changed for us. But that’s what living in SEA does to ya. Life is good and cheap over there. One day you’ll see for yourself. XO, K
Great to get your news Kirsten. Enjoy your time with your lovely Mom. It’s seems months since you left.,Miss you guys. 🥰🥰
Hi Dawn,
It really feels like forever since we’ve been gone. So happy things are opening up for you guys! Miss you and big hugs!
I hear Malaysia is reopening again soon…
I hope you’re right, Scott. At the moment, interstate travel is open but the borders are not. Finger crossed!
So much of this was so true for us too, returning to the UK. Although living in hong kong first made the UK seem cheap! Remember loving the ease of everything and totally agree on the ‘old pair of shoes’ analogy. Being near family and in a place where everything just works is wonderful. I hope your next chapter makes you both happy,.wherever that may be.
Hi Sarah!
Thank you.
Oh yeah, Hong Kong is on a different level. A good buffer before heading back to the UK. Being near family after such a long separation makes it all feel better. But come next year we will start new adventures and see what life has in store for us.
I arrived in late August to start my 3 month driving trip around America and Canada. I’m similarly gobsmacked at the prices and happily surprised by the excellent customer service, for the most part… I also know it’s temporary so I’m willing to roll with it now knowing I’ll be back home to my normal life soon.
I wish you the best of luck in your next adventure!
Hi Michael, I’ve been following your US adventure whenever you get a moment to post! Thai customer service makes Malaysian CS look like a well-oiled machine! But the US takes it to another level! And I love it! Can’t wait to report back from our next adventures, wherever they might be! Take care and keep updating us!
This just speaks volumes to us but the difference is we definitely do NOT want to go back to our home town with was sublimely wonderful for 30 years but we’re done and need to move on. The dilemma for so many expats is WHERE? We’ve all been “Penang-ed”. It’s going to be hard to emulate the wonderful life style. I think we’re all just hanging onto your coattails and slavering for advice. Just don’t let us go🤣🤣🙏🙏🥰🥰
Hi Michele, We are happily visiting the US, but in no uncertain terms do we want to make the US our home again. The world is too big and we want to see it all. But as for where? Who knows? I’m very curious about Croatia, Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica and Belize. Visas play a large role in dictating it as well. I’ll be blogging about it all bringing you with me on the ride. XO
I love reading your writings. You have such personality! See you soon whenever you’re free. I can take you & mom put MY Pleasure 😘
Hi Nina! You’re the sweetest. Will see you soon!