Last Updated on January 17, 2021 by Kirsten Raccuia
Well shit. That didn’t go as planned.
I should be writing this from Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The big city that was calling our names. The place to wear heels, eat glorious food (not just street food) and get our big city fix.
We were planning to move there for a month for meetings, to network, hang out with friends, and build our online businesses. Ya know, to see what opportunities came our way.
We were super excited, and I, for one, was dying to trade my shorts and flips for sexy heels and dresses. I got my hair dyed. I had a mani and a pedi–the first time in a year. I was prepped and ready. I was looking fresh. We were ready to tear it up.
We miss living in a big city. I miss feeling sexy and lounge hopping. I miss excellent restaurants that serve proper cocktails. I miss customer service and good waitstaff. In those ways, I miss Chicago. But in so many other ways, I don’t.
I miss networking and going out as a couple, and making new friends over dinner at a new place. Kuala Lumpur was going to be all of those things and more.
We had lots of plans with new and old friends. I had my Tuesday ladies’ nights accounted for.
We were going to Live. It. Up
We rented a tiny two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment, sight unseen. Because I could live anywhere for a month.
It was def small, and I wouldn’t really call the second bedroom a BEDroom. It was just a room with a twin bed abutted next to a bookshelf. Perfect for storing our suitcases. Or when Mark is in the doghouse, I kid.😉
The apartment was super basic. It only had 1 pan, a couple of knives, 3 plates. There wasn’t a pot or a bowl in sight, let alone an oven. And for those of you who saw our House Hunters International show, I’m all about an oven.
But whatever, I could live anywhere for a month.
So, we packed up the Panty Dropper 🚙 for a month. Or should I say, we over packed it for a month.
Our packing list:
- 2 suitcases of clothes: Marks suits, my heels, every nice thing I own because I wanted to be fancy in the big city.
- 1 queen size mattress topper. Because we’ve lived in Malaysia long enough to know that most mattresses here are like cement blocks. There are no box springs. Comfort isn’t a factor. Not sure why. If anyone has a clue why Malaysian mattresses are so damned uncomfortable, do tell.
- 1 Mac mini with a large monitor. Before I started writing for International Living, I bought a desktop because I was being cheap. And who needs a laptop? Where am I going? Ha!
- 2 laptops – one for Mark and another one for me, because six months after I bought my Mac mini, I got hired as a travel writer. Funny that huh? Can’t be a travel writer without a laptop.
- 1 cooler with all our fridge contents because why throw that out when we have a kitchen-kind of. Said cooler also had wine, rum, whisky, and vodka, because ya know, life.
- Mark’s light equipment for his videos
- 1 wok
- 2 knives
- 1 yoga mat, 2 sets of weights, and a yoga block for my at-home workouts.
Ready, over-prepared, and over packed.
Silly us. Covid had another plan in its beastly little mind, and it all went pear-shaped.
Covid numbers have been spiking in Malaysia. Not like US numbers. But high for Malaysia. We are around 3000 cases a day. Which isn’t horrible for a population of 30 million. But still. The cases are rising and are the highest since this whole Covid-bitch reared its ugly head.
Admittedly, there were rumblings of a lockdown, but no one knew the details, or if it was even true.
Over the last year, I’ve learned to take everything on Whatsapp, Facebook, and most media sources with a grain of salt. The media here, just like in the US, takes liberties, makes assumptions, and calls the shots. Whether they are the right shots or not is a different story.
Fake news is a thing here, just like it is in every other country. Except China, maybe. And like most places, fake news travels fast.
Nevertheless, we had already rented the apartment, so we were going.
We assumed that if there was some sort of a lockdown, it wouldn’t be the full monty as it was in March. We would have at least a few days to make our meetings and get stuff done before we had to decide where to ride out the lockdown. We’ve been through MCOs, CMCOs, RMCOs, EMCOs, WHO-THE-HELL-KNOWS-MCOs, so we thought we had that shit sorted.
Shoulda known better.
My momma always taught me that assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME (get it? Ass-U-Me).
So, off we went.
Monday at 1pm, we left Penang in our freshly packed low rider. Full to the brim with all useless crap that would have been perfect for our month-long adventure. We turned on our audible book, Second Skin, a thriller about killers and reincarnation, and got going.
We arrived in KL at 5:15. We checked in and got the keys out of the mailbox. We got a flatbed cart from the security guard to unload the masses and skipped our way into our new life in Kuala Lumpur.
By the time we unloaded it all, parked the car, and made our way through the maze back to our new pad, our phones were BLOWING UP.
Friends in KL and Penang were reaching out with translations of what the PM had just announced.
There was going to be a FULL LOCKDOWN. Starting tomorrow. At midnight. FUCKKKK!
Full lockdown means FULL LOCKDOWN:
- No work
- 95% of all businesses are closed
- Restaurants, cafes, coffee shops only open for take away
- Only 2 people allowed in a car
- Only allowed to jog or bike outside–but the parks are closed
- Can only drive within a 10km (6 miles) radius of your home. There are roadblocks and police checkpoints to monitor.
- No interstate travel (Penang and KL are in two different states)
- No friends over
- No meetups
- Nowhere to go
So basically, it’s house arrest, again.
Now we had to make a decision. Stay in our apartment, which was absolutely filthy, by the way, for the 2-week lockdown. Or turn around and drive back to Penang tomorrow before midnight.
The thing is, since this whole Covid-disaster started, the powers that be announce a two-week lockdown, and then it gets extended for another two. And another two. And so on. It’s been like that since March. We know better than to believe it will only be two weeks. We know it’s just the beginning.
After a lot of stress and a bottle of bubbly, we decided to forgo our apartment (and the rent). Best laid (or paid) plans, right?
And so, as quickly as our month-long dream of KL rushed into sight, it was stolen from under us like the cookie monster steels cookies. Like a thief in the night.
The next morning, we had a quick breakfast with a friend and then came back to our dirty little pad, repacked our overstuffed car, and around 1 pm started our journey back to Penang. Time to return home to the safety of our little island bubble.
Because I can live anywhere for a month, right? Except for a filthy little apartment under house arrest.
So here I sit in Penang, typing away on my Mac mini, with my freshly manicured fingers, that no one will see.
Thanks, Covid. You’re a dick.

PS: Your turn. Tell me how your January is going in the comments below.
hello Kirsten,
The Gurney Wharf project seem so promising. By the time Mike and I get to visit, I am hoping that it will be ready. Have you ventured out to Gurney area? How are things in Penang such as Hawkers, hotels and etc.? Any new hotels that worth of your time to share with us? Thank you so much.
Hi Sandy,
Things here are on total lockdown at the moment so the economy is under duress. Without tourism, George Town and all the businesses are struggling. Some large hotels are closing, like the Shangri La so that is pretty sad to see. Not much is opening up at the moment.
As for Gurney Wharf, that project keeps changing but at the moment no one is allowed to enter the site. Time will tell.
Take care,
UGH This SUCKS!! I”m so sorry. I mean, I know we’re all in it, but… THIS SUCKS!!
Emelie! Girrrrrrllll! TOTALLY!
Someone won’t be cooking for a while – or at least until the nail polish starts getting old! Bummer when plans don’t work out – but there’s a lesson to take away or it just wasn’t meant to be! But why rent a crummy apt that you wouldn’t be happy in – even for a short period! Yes, KL is more expensive but sanity is important! Better luck next time. Enjoyed reading.
Hi Ravina,
Thanks for being here!
I got a gel mani so unfortunately, I can still do all the chores. I wish I could use them as an excuse to be lazy!
We didn’t know the place was gross. We saw pics and read reviews but they must have been very old pics. We certainly wouldn’t have rented it for a month had we seen the place in person or current pics. I’m all about sanity!
Omg I was with you guys every step of the way and felt your excitement about going to the Big City what a thrill and a change…. wow I would not have stayed either in that dirty apartment… I was like oh no they are going to be stuck there…. back to Panang you go. Good choice… it’s been a bitch of a time with the lock downs. Not much to look forward to …other than Dan turns 60 and we are heading to St Croix 2/4-2/10 if you want to fly down, over around the world to meet us 🤪 hang in there and keep the faith hopefully things can get to normal soon
Hi Barb! So good to see you here. St. Croix! Dan’s bday! That’s a lot to look forward to. You know if there was any way possible, we would meet you there to celebrate. I do have loads of faith that the world will mend and will return to some sort of normalcy. We are hoping to be in the US late this year. Love you!
Hi Kirsten, sorry for your lock down. But you do write a funny story. We are in Ecuador, no lockdown, no restrictions, open sunny beach. But wait…. COVID 19, it could change in a moment…….
Hi Eric,
Glad to provide a giggle or two. Enjoy your freedom while you can – fingers crossed it stays that way. Take a swim in the ocean for me.
Stay well!
HI Kirsten,
As always thank you for sharing. Sorry for what happened. However, I am positive that something good will come along soon. There is a reason for everything. Eventually all things fall into place. I am glad you and Mark are well/healthy.
Hi Sandy,
As they say, there is a reason and a season for everything. (whoever THEY are). The most important thing is that we are healthy, safe, and happy back in Penang.
Stay well!
I’m sorry you didn’t get to glam it up for a month….perhaps another time. What a pain all the packing, unpacking, re packing….sorry! I enjoy your story telling! 😘
Hey Nina,
Thank you. Nice to see you here!
It was a total pain, but we are safe and in the right place so it all worked out in the end. We will def go another time.
Hate to say it, but what you did was way more exciting than what we’ve done since March. And you got a great story out of it!
Kudos for taking the risk. Party on……👏
Ha! You are right Ian, and that is a good way to look at it. Now my party is relegated to my living room but it’s my party and I can cry if I want to, so, there’s that!🤣
I see what you did there…
Ha! Bruce! Can’t fool you 🤣
Best laid plans…and all that! Bet the Panty Dropper was dizzy and wondering what the hell was happening!
What a shame though. Covid and its numerous mutations has a lot to answer for! Just waiting for the day that plans will actually come to fruition and we can give the middle finger to Covid, manicured or otherwise! 💅🖕
Hi Karen,
PD did the best job a gerbil-motored toaster could do. Next time we’ll take the scoots!😉
I’m all about giving Covid the middle finger, and I’ll even get my toes involved when it’s all over! I got skills!
Covid bites! Good call though…better to be in your clean, large flat. Lockdown will go beyond 2 weeks for sure. Don’t let a good mani and hair colour go to waste. Dress up take a pict so your readers can see you.
Hi Ellen, So true! Waaaay better to be here! And I can still wave at you, with my pretty hair and nails, from afar!
Welcome back to Penang! I hope you did enjoy the scenery along the way.
Thanks, Jeroen. The scenery is lovely, especially around Ipoh, although I must admit, twice in 24 hours isn’t fun.
Sorry, I laughed although I sympathized with your predicament. Nice manicured middle finger LOL.
Can la. Go get take away from Shen Fu in your heels and give the bored hawkers something to look at. XX
Bugger! But I do love your writings Kirsten 🥰. You manage to entertain us in lockdown. Put on your heels as above says and enjoy takeout in your own clean palace. xx
Hi Heather,
I’m happy to entertain! It’s the least I can do! I’m going to be a takeout queen this week!
I’m glad I could make you laugh. We all need that right about now! I’m totally gonna take your suggestion! Watch out hawkers, I have heels and painted nails and I’m coming for ya!