Best Jobs for Digital Nomads: Don’t Wait to Take Your Vacation Days
Last Updated on November 12, 2024 by Kirsten Raccuia You know all those pictures of people working from their hammocks on a beach in Thailand? Or sitting in a café in Amsterdam with their laptops. That could be you. I know it sounds like a dream, but it could be your reality with these jobs…
Realities and struggles of Greek life for an Expat
Last Updated on October 7, 2021 by Kirsten Raccuia Welcome to My Expat Interview Series. This is an insider’s sneak peek at the truths and realities of expat life. Not just from my point of view but from expats around the world. They are sharing their stories with the dreamers, the movers, the curious. You! This…
Top Things to do in Paros, Greece
Last Updated on December 26, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia I had a secret love affair with Paros before I ever stepped foot on the island. I’d read that it’s what Mykonos was like 20 years ago. And since I had a fabulous time in Mykonos back in the day, I knew I would like it.…
Best Things to do in Mykonos
Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Kirsten Raccuia What do you picture when you hear the word Mykonos? Turquoise blue waters? Whitewashed stucco buildings? Deep azure skies? Well, you’d be right. It’s all those things, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Despite its small size, there is a lot to do, and sometimes it can be…
30 Photos that will Make You Book Your Ticket to Greece
Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by Kirsten Raccuia Right Now! Ya know how they say a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, I took over 1000 photos in Greece, seriously. That’s a lot of words. And while I think I’m a better writer than I am a photographer, there are just too many…
How to Eat Like a Boss in the Greek Islands
Last Updated on January 18, 2024 by Kirsten Raccuia We travel for food. Some people go for history, or art, or a beautiful pool but we travel for our stomachs. Don’t get me wrong, we like history, art, and sweet pools, but food leads the way. No exploration of a new place would be complete…
Top 7 things to do in Syros
Last Updated on September 20, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia When I was 21, I went to Mykonos and volunteered for a month on an archeological dig. Let me tell ya, there was no Indiana Jones kind of excitement. It was so boring. So hot. Sitting in my little square of dirt, brushing away the dust…
Learn from Our Mistakes Before Your First Home Exchange
Last Updated on November 4, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia By now you are probably sick of me droning on about the wonderful concept of home exchanging. Well, it is awesome, but it doesn’t come without a learning curve. Since we are new to this whole concept, there are few things that we didn’t think about;…
How to Complete Your First Home Exchange in 7 Easy Steps
Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia Think you can’t go somewhere expensive for vacation? Well, think again my friends. A major trend these days is the idea of participating in a home exchange instead of paying for accommodation. After six years of traveling through Southeast Asia, we finally took our first home…
Why Syros is the Best Island For Easter In Greece
Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia Easter in Greece is the Superbowl of religious celebrations. It’s massive, everyone is looking forward to it, and the fanfare around it is palpable. I usually don’t think much about Easter. I’m not a religious person, spiritual yes, but religious? No. And the fact that I…
3 Benefits to Home Exchange
Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Kirsten Raccuia Ever thought about traveling somewhere and NOT having to pay for accommodation? Besides flights, hotels are the most expensive part of any trip, especially if you are going to a pricey location. Believe it or not, it is totally possible to take a long, slow, vacation…