Last Updated on March 8, 2021 by Kirsten Raccuia
After six years of living in Penang, I’m uniquely qualified to write about life as an expat. I’ve been through it, survived, and I’m still here to tell the tale. I’m not going to sugar coat it. But I absolutely love my life in Malaysia, and I am glad we made the move.
Before we left, maybe my head was in the clouds, perhaps I thought it was going to be easy. But let me tell you, I was sorely mistaken. The truth is it all comes down to attitude. I could have left a thousand times. Gone back to Chicago and picked up where I left off, it would have been easier. But I was convinced I needed to embrace the struggle, the challenges, the heartache, instead of calling it quits.
When you move somewhere, every day is an adventure because it is all new. You overcome the daily challenges, and it eventually becomes routine. Driving on the left was scary at first, I could have just taken the bus, but now, it is normal. I could do it with my eyes closed… like most Malaysians 😂.
As challenging as it was, I don’t regret it for one minute. All the lows have brought me to the highs, and that is just part of life. I wouldn’t change a thing.
However, some things would have been good to know when I was just starting out. Here is a little insight as to my life as an expat.
It’s not a vacation; it’s real life.
Yes, I live on a tropical island, and the sun shines every day, but sadly I’m not lounging on the beach with a pina colada. If only. I still have to do the laundry, grocery shop, pretend to work-out, and work.

Bad things still happen here.
We’ve had a significant falling out, a failed business, a friend has died, another battled cancer, a few have lost their jobs; life is real here, and sometimes it sucks.
Making new friends is hard.
You are starting from scratch, so you go out intending to meet new people. When you do find your tribe, they become the family you get to choose. You spend holidays with them, teach them about your traditions, and create new ones.
It seems like friendships grow deeper quickly when you are living abroad. The common thread is that everything is uncommon. They understand what you’re going through because they are going through it too.
And once you find new friends, they move again.
When you find your new besties–they leave. Sometimes their job contract ends, or they just feel it’s time to move on to another adventure, often your time with people is limited.

I started a book club with eight incredible women from around the globe. We got very close, and all but one has moved away. It is hard to find new friendships every time people leave, but it’s part of expat life abroad.
Friends/family from home don’t really understand your expat life.
Not because they aren’t good friends, but because it is difficult to comprehend such a wildly different lifestyle. No one is at fault, but it is difficult to understand something you’ve never seen. It’s almost impossible to imagine life as an expat if you’ve never been one.
The things that were important, no longer have a place in my life.
We used to have fancy cars and beautiful things but now none of that matters. We have a cute 15-year-old local car that looks like an emoji. I can’t remember the last time I went shopping for clothing. What I care about now is sharing quality experiences with the people I love. Priorities change.

You realize how little you need.
Back in Chicago, we had everything we needed, and more. A lifetime of collected stuff; closets full of things we couldn’t part with over the years.
When we left, we sold everything. Every.Damned.Thing!

It was difficult, it was emotional.
Now we have 10 boxes in storage; only photos and my grandma’s china. The rest of our lives were boiled down to two suitcases each. Guess what? I don’t miss a thing, and it was incredibly freeing!
Now, I’m not attached to objects. And I try not to collect anything. But in the last six years, I have nested a bit, mostly when it comes to my kitchen. It is beyond fully stocked with things I do not need. Mostly from my friends who have left and given me their wares. More plates than I know what to do with, and more gadgets than I use. Just writing this makes me want to sell it all.
I like having only two suitcases. That means I can relocate again tomorrow. Stuff makes me feel beholden to a place. I want to be free, lighter, mobile.
If I had to leave tomorrow, I’d leave it all behind. All the kitchen stuff, and even my clothes, because none of it matters. I’d only take the art we’ve picked up in our travels because it brings joy to us. I didn’t feel that way when I lived in Chicago, but that is life as an expat.

Your tastes will change, and you adapt.
There are foods and fruits I would never have tried living in America because they just aren’t readily available–mangosteen, rambutans, dragon fruit, durian. After a short while, I adapted and stopped looking for the things that tasted like Chicago (tasty pizza, craft beer, good vodka) and started craving the stuff I have access to, like durian.

You get to recreate yourself.
Life as an expat is not easy. Moving so far away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But also the most rewarding. It’s time for serious soul searching, passion following, and dogged determination. In Chicago, I was in the wholesale business. I never thought I could be a travel writer but secretly dreamed of it. I moved to Penang and within one year, was hired by International Living, as a travel writer. Boom!

You have to relearn how to do pretty much everything.
Buying a car, scooter, driving on the other side of the road, shopping for groceries, setting up a bank account, getting insurance. The list goes on. There is a steep learning curve.

You think red tape is troublesome in your home country, think again when it’s in another language.
However, there are loads of people who have done it before you, so reach out and ask them. Bonus when you make a great friend from an experienced expat who is happy to show you the ropes.
Want to read more about life abroad, read here. Or about Malaysia. What about Laos?
You become resourceful.
If you can’t find bread that you like, you learn to bake. Want good pizza? Make it yourself. Can’t find a broiler pan, improvise. You learn to be creative in a place where you can’t buy everything you’ve ever wanted. It stretches you.
Your mindset will be broadened by your life as an expat.
When you live in America, you only see one point of view. If you watch enough news, you’ll hear 1-minute snippets about the world. But that’s not enough. Living overseas expands your horizons and opens up your eyes to a world of possibilities.
You never hear about the realities of life on the other side of the globe. Have you heard about the Rohingya crisis? The landslides in Malaysia? The building collapse in Cambodia? I doubt it.
I love being an American. I am thankful I was born there and will never give up my American passport. But believe it or not, the world isn’t centered around America.
Travel opens your mind; changes the way you think. Imagine what living abroad can do for you.
Don’t compare your new country to your home country.
It’s not the same, so don’t expect your life to look like it did. That is why you moved.
Don’t bitch about something because it’s not like it is in your home country. Don’t get annoyed when a local can’t understand your English. No one wants to hear you whine about buying unrefrigerated eggs and how gross that is. People have been eating eggs that way for centuries, so just get over it.

You are in their country, if you don’t like it, you can move on. It may sound harsh, but why should their country be like yours? Is yours better? No, it’s not. It’s just different.
Accept the differences, embrace them, you’ll be a better person for it when you do.
You’ll have a lot of highs and lows.
Some days will just suck-and that’s ok. Nothing will go as planned. It will take three hours at the phone store setting up your plan when it should have taken 20 minutes. It will be maddening.
But then you’ll see cows crossing a four-lane thoroughfare, into the parking lot of a Buddhist temple, and you’ll realize you are exactly where you need to be. And it will make you smile. It’s a roller coaster of emotions, so just put on your seatbelt and hold on.

It will show you who your real friends are.
It can be hard on your relationships, and you learn to appreciate who is really there. Our absence and time difference make it challenging but shows us who is committed to our friendship. Some reach out consistently. While others have proven the old adage that out of sight is out of mind.
Sometimes I feel disconnected and like no one cares about my life. But I also realize that people come and go, and that is life.
We know it’s not easy, but with the advent of free facetime/skype/WhatsApp, we can talk at any time we are awake. Make a weekly date for a video call so you can connect to those that are important.
You will miss people, things, events.
Of course, you will miss people, that goes without saying.
But you will miss other things. I miss food: oysters, bubbly, martinis, steak, good vodka, seasons.
I miss the ease of life, the one-stop shops.
Moving away from family means you will miss significant events back home. I will not be there for emergencies, weddings, new babies, and deaths. It’s not possible. My gramma is 102, and it is unlikely I will be there for her last breaths. It is a hard pill to swallow. One that I have to accept.

I didn’t move to Ohio, I moved to Southeast Asia, and it was my choice.
You’ll make new favorites.
No, I can’t eat weekly at Avec, our fave restaurant in Chicago. But I do get to eat my new favorite sizzling fish every week. If Mark doesn’t eat chicken rice with spicy garlicky-ginger sauce at least once a week, he goes into withdrawals. Those are our new favorites, and when we leave Penang, we miss those too.
You’ll have friends from all over the world.
Before I left, all my friends were from Chicago. And that’s fine. But now I have friends from across the globe. At any given dinner party there are people from Canada, Australia, Germany, Scotland, UK, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Philippines and of course the US. It enriches my life by learning about their cultures, politics, food, and beliefs.
The word “home” changes its meaning for expats.
I still call Chicago home, but I say Penang is my home as well. And maybe both are. Each time we go back to Chicago, I feel less like I belong there. I love visiting, but I feel like a tourist.
This quote by Erin McBrayer sums it up perfectly…
“But while I love arriving back in the US, where I understand the customs (and the language), it doesn’t feel 100% comfortable to me. It’s like putting on a dress from years ago that still technically fits but isn’t quite my style.”
When I return to Chicago, not much has changed. My friends still live in the same places, have the same jobs, eat at the same restaurants, and that is totally ok. If I hadn’t moved, I would be doing the same things as well. But I have changed. My world is bigger. I have grown exponentially, and for me, everything has changed.

The bottom line.
Life as an expat is one big adventure. If you think that learning to buy groceries is exciting, rather than a pain, you’ll enjoy life overseas. If you are up for the challenge, then, by all means, move abroad. But if you are a person who thrives on routine, just take a vacation.
Moving overseas was one of the most challenging decisions I’ve ever made. But it was also one of the best. I’ll never be the same person I was, I’m better.
Hi Kirsten
I so enjoyed reading your blog and only wish I had found it earlier as it is super encouraging.
I moved country about 6 months ago and can definitely identify with many of the things you have shared.
Moving country is truly a beautifully messy journey.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi Kelly, I’m glad you found me now! And yes, we’ll put-beautifully messy!
I’m not sure how I haven’t come across your blog before, but I’m glad I did. This is a whirlwind of an post, trying to capture the whirlwind that expat life really is – I’m very impressed how much you managed to squeeze into one post. I also appreciate your honest take on expat life in this and several other posts from you. Expat life definitely has its charm, but it’s so important to be ready for everything that doesn’t look glamorous. Thank you for keeping it real!
Hi Katherine!
Thank you for being here! It’s so true, expat life can be incredible and the hardest thing you do. So many people think of it as an extended vacation, which couldn’t be further from the truth!
I’ve been following you on IG for a while now! Such great info and so brutally honest!
Thank you for the kind words!
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I have to disagree with you about finding it difficult to make friends. I live in peninsular Malaysia, and have lived in a few other countries during the past 9 years. It have found that it is very easy to make friends because the people in each country have been so friendly and helpful. And you did mention that you have learned to drive on the left: I’m sure that must have been a mistake because in Malaysia we drive on the right!
Hi Sharon,
Thank you so much for reading! And commenting!
I agree with you people have been wonderfully helpful and kind here.
It is easy to make friends but my point here is that the expat community moves so much that every time you make great friends, they move.
Hmmm, we drive on the left side of the road here, not sure where you are driving. 😉
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Hi Kirsten. I’m a single retired woman in my mid 60s and may possibly move out of the U.S. in a few years. No kids, no pets, no romantic or other kinds of entanglements, financially stable, and I’m in good health.
I lived in southwest Florida (100 miles south of Tampa) for 18 years so I’m used to living in a tropical climate year round.
Do you have any thoughts or information about a single woman moving to Penang? I would of course take your advice and visit before making any definite decision, and I really enjoy reading your blog posts, but most of the information I can find seems geared to couples.
Hi Sandra,
Thank you for reading! I am so glad you enjoy my posts.
I write about couple stuff because it’s what I know best. But the facts remain the same whether you’re involved in a relationship on not. Penang is a fabulous place, period-end of story! ☺️
I think Penang is a wonderful place for single women. It is very safe, has loads of activities going on so you’ll never be bored, and is close to so many wonderful safe places to travel. There are a lot of couples here, more than single women, so you might end up hanging out with mostly couples. But if that doesn’t bother you, then I think it is worth exploring.
I do know a couple of single women here and could probably put you in touch privately if you’d like. Let me know. I am happy to discuss all of this further with you. You can email me dircetly at [email protected]
I hope that helps a bit, Sandra! I look forward to talking with you again.
Thanks for the great info, Kirsten!! Safety is basically my main concern and I don’t need too much to entertain me. 😉 I will definitely look into Penang as my retirement destination, and as always, I look forward to following your blog posts. Keep up the great work!!!
Hi Sandra,
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me!
It is very safe here. However, I wouldn’t wander alone on the streets at 2 am, but I wouldn’t do that anywhere.
Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns! I am happy to help in any way I can.
Thanks again,
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Great blog girl!!👍 Everything is so dead-on. I love living here, but I wish I had received more realistic info while considering a move abroad. Not that we wouldn’t have moved, just would have been more mentally prepared. I think living abroad is glamorized a bit in articles and conferences. I want good and bad info, not just good.
Perfect statement about home. When I’m here, home is the states. When I’m in the states, home is penang!
Watching college football now (yes, we still must do that!). Commercials for huge burgers and plates of food look terrible now! Too used to seeing normal to smaller portions we see here!
Hey Patti! Thank you so much for reading! I would love to hear more about what you wish you knew before moving, whatever I missed. I could make a follow-up post to this one with additional info.
Let me know!
First of all, let me say that Amy did a FANTASTIC job of cluing us in to life in Penang. What a loss to all of the expats who have arrived after her!
Since I basically don’t read much online (I’m probably the only person who doesn’t), this blog was the only one I have read. You even inspired me to think about doing a blog for family and friends myself! So, you may have already covered these thoughts in previous blogs, but these were things that I felt or noticed regarding the due diligence for becoming an expat.
The main thing that we kept reading and Bob kept saying is that everything costs less in various countries around the world. And let me say that it can be mentally challenging being married to an avid salesman! When he finds something that he thinks is fabulous, either for himself or his family – let the selling begin!! It’s easier to think “the grass really can be greener on the other side” when you are working hard at a job that you no longer enjoy. So, when you keep hearing about the low cost of living in other countries and determine that life in these new countries will only require the most minimum of income on your part, you keep thinking “Wow, that’s a no-brainer!” What isn’t really divulged is true, you don’t need to earn much money, but it can be next to impossible sometimes to actually earn that small income. Our circumstances could quite possibly be in the small minority, but due to being hit hard financially in 2008-2010, and having a child who (hopefully) now at the age of 31 is becoming financially independent, we just never had much extra income. And, I fully expected to still have my job at part-time hours when we moved. Living in Malaysia makes it next to impossible for expats to work with the MM2H, and if you could actually find a job, the pay would be horribly low!! After a year of being here and going through a larger portion of our retirement (which is low after using during the years noted above) than we would have preferred, we beginning to strongly feel as though we would have to break our 2-year lease and move back home – and look for new jobs. To summarize this one – while living abroad was strongly pushed for those who lost most of their jobs and retirement at the conference, a reality check of “you still need to have a current job that will work anywhere, and a decent cushion of money to live on if you don’t have a job”, would have been nice!
Teaching English ain’t all it’s cracked up to be – at least not in Asia!! I teach mostly young children, and most of them are cute and fun to work with. But, there’s a reason why I was never a teacher in the states!! I did train users of various software packages and programs – but that is rather different from teaching English. I had to get used to gaining and losing students at the drop of a hat – which means you can never count on your weekly local income. I have heard some of the craziest reasons for a child (or adult) to stop taking lessons! Yes, it can be a way of earning an income, but it is very volatile and requires a lot of planning, therefore what you actually earn is much less that what you charge for that actual lesson. Teaching is a great activity for someone who is looking to earn a little spending money or just wants something else to do.
We have been very surprised at the amount of expats living here who have so much money! We were thinking that most expats would be in similar situations as us, but not many! I’m not sure if it’s where we live or what. That’s another note that would be helpful, just so you know going in that you will be surrounded by expats who don’t have a lot (most of the ones we know are associated with Dalat) and those will multiple homes around the world! Very eye-opening! Fortunately, these people are usually extremely nice. We were just thinking that most expats, other than those here on a work visa, would be in similar situations as ours.
I knew this one would be true, but it should probably be noted that yes, most things are super cheap in other countries, however lots of products must be shipped in and they can be quite costly! To me, that’s just one of those things you adapt to regarding your needs.
I do think that IL sugar-coats life in certain places. While it doesn’t bother me, I think it would be important to note that Malaysia is a Muslim country. Then, an objective description of what that would mean for expats as well as what the Muslim people are really like could be made. It is what it is, but on average, they are friendly people and don’t stop us from doing what we want to do here. Tell people in the conferences that yes, the government is corrupt, but it doesn’t effect everyday life for expats. Things like that.
It could be that our personal circumstances plus moving so far from home (thus, super expensive flights home) created the “perfect storm.” We do love it here and renewed our lease for another 2 years in June. I may be unique, but I want the whole picture on something – the bad and the good because if I don’t hear the bad, I form a mental picture that is a bit too rosy!
So sorry for the long narrative – I was hoping to answer any follow-up questions you may have. Feel free to ask if you need to though!
Hi Patti! Thank you so much for being so open and honest.
Yes, living in Malaysia on an MM2H visa means you can’t work here. So it is important to know that when planning.
I should prob do a post on the whole religion thing here, as well as a Visa post. I am sure you are not the only person trying to figure all that out.
I def think doing loads of research online and meeting current expats before you ever move, is really helpful. Expats and blogs are generally very honest in their reviews of life as an expat.
Thanks again for opening up and I’ll let you know when I am writing those blogs so I can be sure to get your feedback!
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Hi Kirsten,
I loved reading your thoughts and experiences on being an Expat… I can relate this so much.. I am American living in Australia and have been for the past year.
I was feeling sad today and missing home so much and then I came across your article.. it resonated with me so much, it made me tear up but its nice to read someones thoughts that can truly understand how the expat experience and how there can be so many ups and downs yet such an experience to have in ones life..
Thank You so much for writing this I look forward to your next article…
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for reading!
It can be so difficult being on the other side of the planet (literally) and missing home. Expats get each other-we have that common bond. I am glad my post could offer up a little comfort for you today.🤗
Kirsten, I just loved this article. Being a fellow expat in Penang I can relate to all your comments. Living the expat is not for everybody but it suits Phil & I wonderfully. Life isn’t as it is in Australia, but thats what we love about living in Penang. Achieving every day challenges is very rewarding and stimulating. Looking for ward to your next article.
Thank you so much, Dawn! I love reading that you relate.
I agree. Some people find that expat life isn’t for them. Or that they just can’t adapt to life here. There is certainly never a dull moment here.
Nice introduction to expat life 👍 I really like your emphasis on attitude: you have to want to do it, never compare in a depreciating way, enjoy what you have gained (except maybe weight😉) instead of missing what you don’t.
Hi Mako,
Welcome to my blog, and thanks for reading!
You are so right! Never compare it in a depreciating way! It’s not your country of origin, so don’t expect it to be or you’ll never be happy. I’ve met expats that do that and they end up leaving because it just can’t compare.
Funny you should mention weight-Penang is known as the 10-kilo posting because the food is so good everyone gains!🍲
I can’t imagine an easier place in the world to move to than Penang.
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for reading!
It was pretty easy for me, but I still had plenty of adjusting to do. I just looked at it as a challenge instead of a deal-breaker!
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Love your blog. Yes, there are changes, compromises and surprises. It’s about balance and trade-offs, which you’ve expressed beautifully. We miss you guys, but there’s a link between us that can’t be broken by time or space. We always look forward to the next time …
Thank you so much Peg and Sid! It means so much that you are reading my blog!
You are so right on; changes, compromises, and surprises should be a daily mantra for all new expats!
We miss you too, it’s hard to be so far away, but that link you wrote of is like kevlar, as is our friendship!
See you soon, somewhere in this beautiful world! XO
Fantastic article Kirsten! And can relate to all of the points. Could have so easily packed up and gone back to the UK many times in the first year! For us, it was not just the move to Penang, which is a big enough step but also being in each other’s company a lot of the time, even though you do stuff individually. It’s so different from what our old life was like. Although still a relatively shy person, it’s made me be more open and talk to different people. We now have a fantastic circle of friends. Would I do it again, if I know what I know now? Yes! Definitely but not with rose coloured specs on!
Hi Karen, I hear ya…When we moved, we were worried about spending so much time together as well. We both worked long hours and didn’t get to spend a lot of time together back in the US, but then all of a sudden it was 24/7. We joked about hoping we’d still like each other after the first year. So far so good😁!
I wouldn’t have known you’re shy. But life here certainly pushes what’s comfortable.
Hi Kirsten! Loved the post. Very insightful & well written. Sounds like an amazing journey you are on.
We are thrilled to be a part of it!
Tracy!! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be living in Southeast Asia. You aren’t the Original Gansta (🤣), you’re the Original Expat! You showed us it was truly possible. So thank you! Love you!
Hi Kirsten, love this post!! I can relate whole-heartedly even though our process evolved over past dozen years. I read somewhere…to have a great life, you need great memories. So keep saying “yes” to unknown challenges, intriguing offers!!! And keep writing.
Hey Ellen,
Thanks so much! I love ha quote, so true! I’m all about stepping into the unknown, in that way I’m yes-woman! And thanks for your support! 😘
Hi Kirsten,
Great article. I can, of course, relate to all of your experiences. I love Malaysia, Bu then I loved UAE, China, Thailand and more, because we do take a little piece of each locale in our hearts when we move on. Having been an expat for a long, long time, there is much more to the expat story, as one gets older and perhaps more sentimental.
Hi Sue, Thank you for reading! I know you can relate because of all of your expat experience. I agree…I lived in South Africa for 2 years more than 2 decades ago, haven’t been back, but I carry a piece of Cape Town in my heart, always!
I couldn’t have said it better. Everything resonates with me and I too feel like a tourist when I go “home”
Thank you, Michele! It’s a crazy feeling to go back “home” and not feel like you belong there anymore.
Kirsten, such true words. The only thing I would add is embrace the locals as well, don’t just get caught up in the Expat world. If you are making an overseas destination your new home, this is already their home, so not only can they show you local life, you can form lifelong friendships with people who are staying here.
Hi Peter,
You are totally correct! You beat me to it! I’ll be writing about those tips in a future post, the do’s and don’ts of moving abroad, stay tuned!
I so enjoyed your article Kirsten…. you have so accurately described expat life 😘
Thank you, Cheryl!
I’m so thrilled you liked it. Especially, because you have lived most of your adult life as an expat in various countries!
What an absolutely perfect post! You said it all! I want to share this with family & friends back in the states and they might understand a little bit more😉 Thanks 😘😘
Hi Sally,
I’m glad you enjoyed reading my post. It was difficult to write because I had to be so vulnerable. But is the truth. I hope your friends and family will read it and “get it” just a little bit! Enjoy Shanghai, I’m loving the pics!
So well written and very positive lessons about life that you have learned and embraced. You both are still my idols for taking the risk to change everything! Maybe one day I will do the same. But, for today I will just dream. Miss you both and I love the photos
Hi Kim!
So glad you liked my blog. Yes, we have learned and experienced A LOT in these last 6 years. It was hard to leave the comfortable behind, but now we have a new comfortable. The first move is the hardest. Miss you too! Come visit one day!😘
We love traveling with intention and this move was specifically to expose our 9 yr old to living in South East Asia, little we knew how much we have all learned, including my husband and myself. We love our time, our friends and how easy the transition has been after only one year.
The one rule we have innour moves is “Don’t judge any changes after 6months of giving ourselves the opportunity to the change”.
Hi Mariana, Thank you for reading! Moving abroad is def an eye-opener for everyone involved. Change takes time and sometimes we just need to let it simmer!
Hi Kirsten. It was great to read your blog as we are moving to Penang in just over a week to start a new adventure. Is your book group still running or can you point me in the direction of one that is? Many thanks, Gill
Hi Gil! Thank you for reading! How exciting for you! At the moment the book club is defunct but I’ve been thinking of starting a new one. Let me know when you get here and we can meet up. If you have any questions or need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Kirsten, you write so beautifully & I love reading about your adventures. I’m very glad you’re happy. XO
Thank you, Nina. It means so much to me that you follow my blog! Love you!
Hi Kirsten,
I loved reading your blog, it’s made me smile and shed a tear because it is so true 💕we are all very lucky to have such an amazing life ❤️x
Hi Ruth!
Good to see you here😃!
Glad my post connected with you personally! It is so great to hear!
Hi Kirsten,
My husband and I are moving to Penang on Tuesday and I’m having a few last minute wobbles, vacillating between, “Bring it on!” to, ‘Oh my God, what have we done/what are we doing?!” We’re still going though, which is the main thing!
I don’t tend to read many blogs (and have never responded to one!) but came across yours and this post is pretty much all the things I’ve thought of over the last few months, plus some extras for good measure. It’s been reassuring and just wanted to say thanks!
Hi Laura!
Welcome to my blog! I’m glad this resonated with you.
You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t nervous. And I had those feelings every once in a while, even after I moved. But never enough to make me take action.
Reach out once you get here. I’m happy to help in any way I can. You are not alone!
I look forward to meeting you soon!
Cheers, Kirsten – I’ll see if I can get an extra Grey Goose in my luggage!
Laura you are too funny! Safe travels!
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