Last Updated on January 24, 2025 by Kirsten Raccuia
A while ago, I wrote about all the things I miss about living in America. But that left me feeling very unbalanced.
There are a lot of things I absolutely DO NOT miss about living there too. There are some things I hate about America. So, this week’s blog is the yang to that yin—my counterbalance.
There are a lot of things that I’m able to see more clearly now that I am an arm’s length from America. Sometimes you are too close to see what’s right in front of you.
But before you get all your panties in a bunch, know this…
Disclaimer #1: Regardless of the title, I really do love America. This blog is not America bashing. I’m not anti-American. I will always be a proud American (just read my last blog post). But that doesn’t mean I love every bit of it. There is plenty to hate or strongly dislike. No country is perfect.
Disclaimer #2 When I say Americans, I’m clearly not talking about ALL Americans. I might not even be talking about a majority of them. But ya know the saying, there are always a few bad apples in the bunch? Well, I’m referring to those bad apples. Unfortunately, America has a record-breaking number of bad apples. And they are the loudest and most putrid of them all.
With that out of the way, here are the 8 things I hate about America.
I Hate How Far Political Correctness Has Gone
I am so over how over-politically correct the US has become. In Malaysia, if you are Chinese, White or Black, you will be called that White girl, or that Black guy. It’s not racist. It’s a description. No one is offended.
In Malaysia, a majority Muslim country, we can wish someone Merry Christmas, and if they aren’t Catholic, they don’t care, and they certainly aren’t insulted. Around Christmas, when Santa makes his rounds to the malls and hawker stalls, every Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu kid is just as excited as the Catholic ones.
I Hate Politics. Period.

Ugg, where to begin with this one? It is a doozy, right?
Real talk, I’ve always hated politics. And most politicians. Even though I’ve never missed an election, I’ve never felt like any of my choices really had my back. I’ve always voted for the lesser of two evils.
Just because I’m living in another country doesn’t mean I can escape US politics. Quite the contrary.
I always try to avoid the topic of politics, but that is becoming increasingly more difficult nowadays. More people ask me about American politics now than when I lived in the US. In fact, I talk way more about it now.
I hate the two full years of horrible commercials about the presidential candidates. The constant attacking, the negative ugliness about each opponent – it’s disgusting. Especially when you know both idiots are spewing their bullshit lies just to get elected.
Living overseas means it is possible to turn it off. Now, I get to focus on the few months leading up to the elections and do the research I need before I vote. I’m not inundated with it on the media. It’s not shoved down my throat.
It is so sad that people are losing friends over politics. We are a country divided, and no one wants to reach across the line to work together. It’s my way or the highway. It’s black or white (wait…can I even say that anymore? Or am I not being PC?)
I Super-Duper Totally Hate the Violence
Right now, there is an angry undercurrent in the US, and things are boiling over. It’s heartbreaking to watch, and it is undoubtedly at its most extreme. However, the US, especially the big cities, has never been known as a safe haven.
Even though there has always been violence in Chicago, it’s not like I was walking around scared for my life. But now that I’ve left, I realize that taking precautions and looking over my shoulder was just normal for me there. It was part of my daily life.
There is a lot of gang violence in Chicago. But that doesn’t mean it only affects gang members – it spills over into all the neighborhoods, even the areas without gangs. We are seeing more accidental deaths of innocent people caught in the crossfire all the time.
Malaysia is very safe, especially Penang. And now that we live in Mexico, I’m still safer than I am in Chicago. Puerto Vallarta, a small city on the coast is known as being one of the safest cities in Mexico.
I Hate the Keeping Up with the Joneses Mentality
Instead of people saving money, they are buying things. A big house with the perfect lawn so the neighbors can see just how nice their stuff is. New cars, new iPhones, the latest of everything.
Of course, there are people all over the world who buy the latest and greatest of everything.
In all of my travels, it seems like people in other countries are happy with what they have and aren’t always pining away for what their friends have.
More people here could not give a rats-ass about all that stuff. It’s not a race to see who can have more, and people are genuinely happy without all the frills.
I Hate All the Rules and Regulations & How it is so Litigious

Not gonna lie, I kind of love the law-less-ness of other countries. It’s not like they’re the Wild Wild West – that award goes to America right now.
But in Mexico, or Malaysia, if you fall on the sidewalk, it’s your fault. You can’t sue anyone. You fell, and it’s your fault – accept it. Don’t try to sue the city or the restaurant behind the sidewalk, pick up your feet, and take some responsibility. Americans rarely take responsibility for their actions or inactions and happily blame someone else.
When we first moved to Malaysia, we saw an Aussie woman fall. She wasn’t hurt, just embarrassed. She started screaming at the woman who owned the café. The local woman stopped what she was doing and said, “You fell. You stupid. You open eyes, you no fall!”
And that, my friends, was not only refreshing but hilarious, and it stuck with me all this time. And seriously, no truer words have been spoken.
I know rules and regs are there for a reason. But suing everyone for your mistakes isn’t ok. Don’t even get me started on ambulance chasers.
I Hate the Sense of Entitlement
Honestly, I really don’t want to hear about how tough it is for people in the US. You can whine all you want but travel outside of America, and you’ll see what tough really is.
Many Americans don’t know what real poverty looks like.
Some think they are too good to work at a fast-food joint; they deserve a better job. They deserve to earn $50k just out of college without any experience. Some Americans feel entitled, as if they are owed something. Sorry Buddy, you aren’t special, no one owes you anything. Work hard like the rest of us.
I’m not trying to be insensitive and do realize that some people are in terrible situations. I am absolutely not referring to them.
I’m talking about the assholes that are perfectly capable of going out and getting a job but would rather claim unemployment.
I Hate the Lack of a Work-Life Balance

There is an obsession with work that leaves little time for anything else. We relish in being busy and think of that as a high standard of achievement.
Most people don’t leave their work at the office when they go home at night or on the weekend. It’s a badge of success to work extra hours and be soooo busy that you never truly leave work at all.
People have to work longer hours to get things done and to pay for their increase in debt. There aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done, so we are forced to work longer, which creates more stress.
I don’t miss the stupid unaffordability of healthcare.
Full stop. That is it. I could go on, but really, why?
The Last Word
I don’t want this blog to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth. It was a lot of hate and not easy for me to write.
I haven’t turned into some hateful she-devil. I’m the same sunshiny petunia I’ve always been. But there is some downright ugly shit happening in the world and it’s too loud to ignore.

Anything you hate or dislike about your home country? Tell me in the comments below. By the way, I really love comments, so have at it.
Save for later. Pin it.

What I hate about posts about “What I hate about the US” is these silly disclaimers. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love the country, but…”
Are you afraid to express yourself? Or be cancelled? Why do you have to “apologise”?
Hi A,
Pretty sure I expressed myself in that blog.
Your article is spot on. Russia May not be the most popular place these days, but I’ve found more happiness, balance and joy living here for nearly 2 years than in America where I’m from- and that’s saying a LOT these days!!
Hi Seth, It Looks like you’ve found a happy place for yourself, so bravo! Enjoy!
Wonderful article! Thank you! I too am sick of all the same points you made. I do fear the US is falling apart and will never recover.
In Murica, you instantly get thrown with labels. Like you say, white or black, left or right. It is always chose one and hate the other. You a Christian? Well now … you racist right-leaning savage! You a liberal who identifies as a unicorn but only when you feel like it? Well now … finally that clear thinking is allowed to rule.
As for white supremacy … just no. There are many whites who come from horrible third world countries and who escape to places the US to get a better life. And what happens? They instantly get labelled as being part of “the problem” of white supremacy. The problem is in the term itself. We don’t get black supremacy or other supremacy?
The gender stuff if ridiculous (I don’t care who is offended). There are more important things in life than playing Guess Who with young adults. And if they are the sort of people who ENJOY causing someone to lose their job because of misgendering, well then they are the sort of people who deserve to be offended and hurt! Idiots.
Until a moderate government comes and starts to undo all these overwhelming liberal policies and sets new standards to avoid setting precedents that will only lead to more madness, this country will continue to fall. It is evident that the more this nation tries to tolerate and give freedom to all, the more the reverse happens.
We really should have countries defined by beliefs and then place people in the countries that suit them. The world would be a much better place for all. No more wars, no more racism, no more hatred. We’d have to kill the internet though 🙂
Hi Sure Shores,
Thank you for sharing your feelings here. I always want this blog to be a place where people can be free to say whatever they want.
I hate the tipping culture in America, which basically is 20% for everything, and it is expected!
Let’s see…what do I hate about America?
1. American exceptionalism (which isn’t)
2. Obsession with freedom
3. Fetish with guns
4. Giant gas-guzzling SUVs and trucks
5. Suburbs
6. Lack of decent public transport
7. Racism & white supremacy
8. Nationalism disguised as Christianity
9. Anti-immigrant BS
When you say “sense of entitlement” you’re really being full of sh**. There are plenty of places in America hit hard by poverty and plenty of children and elderly people suffer from it. Poverty is poverty no matter where a person comes from. What makes a person I see living in their car struggling in California any damn different from someone struggling in Brazil favela? You use one of the crappiest outdated insults like poor people don’t exist in the United States and poverty is only rife outside of the U.S. don’t be ignorant. Poor people exist and struggle in every country. You have zero empathy if you believe just because a person is from the U.S. by default they should be free of struggle. Not everybody can rise above struggle. And I find it funny how people even agree with you on this. You obviously don’t know d**k about how hard and tough it is for people living in places like Chicago and Detriot. Tell the children that get shot in the street they shouldn’t whine about the same BS people in Brazil go through.
Hi Dominant Warrior,
Thanks for the comment. However, I don’t think you understood my point. I never said anything about poverty not being real, or that it is different than poverty in another country. And I never said anything about poor people not existing in the US, not even close. I don’t think Americans by default are free of struggle, nor did I write that.
I wrote ” I’m not trying to be insensitive and do realize that some people are in terrible situations. I am absolutely not referring to them. I’m talking about the assholes that are perfectly capable of going out and getting a job but would rather claim unemployment. Some Americans feel entitled like they are owed something.”
My point is that some Americans feel entitled to things, jobs, trophies just because of who they are. No one is entitled. We all should work for it. A lot of kids in the US think it’s tough because they don’t have the latest iPhone, well guess what most of the kids in the world don’t even have a cell phone.
And by the way, I’m born and raised in Chicago. I know full well EXACTLY how hard it is there. And if you read my post you would have seen number 3 is I hate the violence.
I hope that clears things up for you.
Hi Kirsten,
In regards to keeping up with Joneses, I don’t really understand why some folks are that way. No matter what we all have, be happy & be kind to each other.
Sandy! You get me! XO
Well said Kirsten!!! So refreshing (& courageous) in your honesty. The western world has gone crazy. Absolutely agree with everything you said.
Hi Anne, sorry for the delay. We went on a road trip and had little access to the internet.
Thank you for the kind words and for always being so supportive!
I’m just happy you’re loving it here in Malaysia. Lots of countries are worse off, but that doesn’t mean Malaysia is super good. We have our faults too, but none too unbearable.
Hi Bobby, Sorry for the delay in responding. We went on a road trip and had little access to the internet.
Yes, we are happy here. But also realistic. I don’t love everything about Malaysia either!
One of your best, and that’s saying something because I could say that about all your posts.
Aww, thank you, PP! Love you.
Great read Kirsten. Although us not being American we can certainly understand and relate your words to our previous country before we moved to Malaysia. Malaysia makes us realize what we don’t need in life.
Hi Heather,
It’s a good thing we are here!
A big one for me is if I was still in the US, I would never be able to afford to retire and that’s sad. Also the healthcare BS. At this point I don’t ever plan to go back, even for a visit.
I totally agree, Andrew! We were paying 1200USD a month for crap coverage before we left! Mind boggling!
As our life immersed into the ‘American way of life’ and not thinking there are happier people up there with LOT less than what we have… we tend to ‘believe’ we are the BEST as we are AMERICAN! How falsely we have been made to believe by corporate higher ups and Political ‘Geniuses’. You are so right that sometimes it is hard to see things when you are so close.
I would agree with all your reasoning, but believe me, I do not call you an ‘american’ hater, but a truly American who sees things that we can improve upon to be really a happy society that we are not. May God gives us that wisdom and remembering what our forefathers did for the country.
Hi Ferdous,
Thank you so much for the support. You totally get where I’m coming from.
Stay safe and be well!
Hi Kirsten, it’s Mom. As you know I moved out of Chicago literally within minutes of all the chaos that’s happening here now. I didn’t realize how scary the city could really be until I moved out to the suburbs.. The violence that is happening here in Chicago and all over the country is really unimaginable. We are all people all human beans and no one is entitled to feel they are better than anyone else. We need to reach out our hands To those who are in conflict and maybe then will become a better country.
Hi mama! I’m so thankful that you moved outta there. All the violence really makes me feel like we are living in a fiction movie. It’s truly unbelievable. You are right if we Could love more and hate less things could change.
Nail on the head!!!
Thank you, Maggie!
Well said Kirsten.. The same is happening in Australia, however we do have a reasonable healthcare system.
Keep you blogs coming
Thank you, Dawn! I know you do! I love our discussions about how similar our countries are!
Great post hun, I think it’s really sad that the country I grew up to idolise, the country that makes dreams come true, is now a country people are feeling sorry for, or even laughing it. There are so many amazing Americans I’m honoured to know (you being one of them) that it’s heartbreaking that so many idiots are ruining your. home’s reputation.
Whilst currently being in Australia, I’m still a proud Brit, and I’m so glad we don’t have that suing mentality there, and that whilst the NHS health system has its faults, it’s still offering free essential care to all residents.
No country is perfect, we are lucky to move to the places that serve us best…at least, when this pandemic is over anyway!
Hi Wendy,
It is so sad to see and hard to watch. I’m sure the media makes it worse but truth really is stranger than fiction.
I believe you nailed them all – sadly…..
Thanks Patti. So sad!